…& her name’s NICOLE! One of my favourite nail polish brands, OPI, have recently launched a new range of nail polish, exclusively available on BOOTS.com! I was sent a sample of “Nicole by OPI” last week & have had a little play around with them… Okay so, I found there’s definitely some pros & maybe a con too! But it’s too soon to know that for sure, at the moment
I was sent “SHOW YOU CARE” (the blacky-purpley one), “RESPECT THE WORLD” (the turquoisey one) & “PLAY FAIR” (the lilacy one). Haha! I hope you liked my versions of the colour names Okay so, you get exactly the same amount of polish in Nicole as opposed to their original. Considering the original costs about £10 a bottle, with Nicole you’re only spending £6.95 which is not half that bad Compared to the shape of the original, there’s not much difference… UNTIL you see it from the side view I just think some of the polish in the corner of the bottle will go to waste if the brush can’t reach it But then again, only time will tell that. That’s pretty much the ONLY thing that I didn’t like about the polish. Other than that…
… I think the product is FAB! & no, I’m not just saying that because I received this to sample. I’ve used OPI products in the past & Nicole seems to be almost identical to the real thing It’s definitely worth a buy if you’re looking for good quality polish With a top coat, it doesn’t chip easily either My FAVOURITE has to be “Show You Care”. It’s the most deep, aubergine, black-plum colour, ever!! SOMEONE seems to be getting better with describing colours, aye? I’ve not seen anything like it! Sorry for the flash on pictures for that colour… Without it, it looked kinda black but the hint of purple is GORGEOUS! “Play Fair” has to be my second best, the colour is very summery & in this time of year It’s got a little shimmer to it, as does “Respect the World”. I’m not really into SHIMERY colours to be quite honest. In the picture “Respect the World” looks quite blue, but in reality it’s more of a turquoisey-green more than anything, it’s deffo not a ‘ME‘ colour! The product (minus the shape of the bottle) is definitely worth a look! Check it out by clicking HERE !
These products were sent to me.
i love respect the world! i think it would look really nice on holiday! reminds me of the sea!
if you like the colour of “show you care” try CHANEL ROUGE NOIR. The original inventor of that shade. its kinda expensive and you need 2 coats, but i love it! very 1920′s
Oh I love that colour! It’s the best selling nail varnish in the whole world! (According to the woman at the Chanel counter! Hehehe)
Awesome site, I hadn’t noticed beautyfulfilled.wordpress.com before in my browsing! Continiue the great work!
Thank you so much Be sure to follow me on Twitter & Facebook Happy reading doll!
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skin, bookmarked… Keep up the great site…